Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Red Abyss Insatiable - I. Blood Pact - Part One

Hello my fellow Earthlings, I hope you have had a wonderful breakfast at some point in your lives!

If you don't know what this is, be sure to start here.

And if you know what this is but you missed the prologue, be sure to catch up here.

For those who are now caught up, enjoy:

             Red Abyss Insatiable - 1. Blood Pact - Part One

 Original Transcripts for your read-along or read-alone pleasure:
    The years had become more illuminated ever since Aden Walker ventured into Oshvail’s realm.  His younger diligence returned from near extinction, and his physical performance had become relentless.  The defining variable in his new conception was purpose; he had been given a solid goal, something within his reach that could be accomplished with enough determination.  It felt good, to be needed by someone, even if that someone was beyond human.  The responsibility was a privilege and a blessing, and so Aden provided himself useful.

     Ninety eight... Ninety nine... One hundred.

     “That is enough,” said Oshvail.  “Your improvement has surpassed my expectations.”

     Aden got to his feet.  During most of Aden’s life, he had been considered skinny, and somewhat meatless.  But not anymore.  Now, he was an athletic champion of great ability, sinews of lean muscle visibly taut under thick flesh.  His curly hair had become a mess, grown along with his resolve to become more valuable than ever before.  His mind had been rigorously exercised, bombarded with critical arithmetic, expected to learn the Grendian speech--both proper tongue and common slang--all whilst undergoing physical pressures administered by Oshvail.  Various weapons and tools were now familiar to him.  He had been sculpted and weathered, experienced under strict guidance.  Aden Walker owed his new state of being to his other-worldly mentor, who was known to Aden as Oshvail the Oshvail of the Oshvails, in name, race, and affiliation.

     Aden’s discovery of Oshvail--or as Aden perceived it, Oshvail’s discovery of Aden Walker--could not have occurred if not for a string of events.  According to Oshvail, there was an entire history of courtesies, cruelties, and mishaps that led to their eventual connection.

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We shall meet again.

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